YFPEER Is New DEFI King for Staking and Yielding Farming.

Abdul rahman kasim
3 min readJan 7, 2021

YFPEER is on the rise like and it is attracting hordes of crypto enthusiasts. To describe in brief, the broader dynamics of yield farming consists of the interaction between a liquidity pool and the liquidity providers. The providers deposit their tokens to a liquidity pool. In turn, the pool powers a marketplace. In this marketplace, the users can lend, borrow, or exchange paying a transaction fee. The marketplace then pays the liquidity providers back from the transaction fees earned per their share in the pool. Providers can then re-deposit the tokens earned to another liquidity pool to earn more.

Although switching between farms and tokens is profitable, the process is costly and time-consuming. It involves high gas costs on transactions. That’s where index tokens come into play. Tokens that not only act as investment standards and reflect a degree of overall market price but also increase the overall fluidity and enrich the profession of digital currency’s trading products.

YFPEER’s Entry

The entry of YFPEER in the domain of yield farming makes the process smarter, cheaper, and more convenient. As a decentralized finance platform (DeFi), it empowers users with simple and cheap access to the market-leading DeFi tokens.

The project YF-PEER, is a yield defined project launched
on the Ethereum Blockchain Network. It have storage for valuable ICO’S (initial, coin, offering) that would appreciate in sooner time to come on
the top exchange network. An automation enhancer, for investors who seek tomake appricatable profit from ICO volume growthand Coin Staking. Alsothis governance token with maximum security amd transparent that oversee’s the investment of other yield financetokens like YFI, YFV, YFII, YFRM.

Similar to business Factom facilitates future business developments based on the communities’ ask. With the recent boom in DeFi, other businesses are catching on quick.

Benefits From YFPEER

These tokens are similar to ETH. They provide an aggregated trading opportunity in four of the highest performing assets in DeFi. Whether it would be more beneficial to replace any particular underlying asset with a more profitable one is what the voters will be deciding. Since a governance token implies a voting opportunity and an index token implies a voting opportunity, the users are in charge of deciding what assets their investments will be put into.

all token holders stand a chance for profitable yields from farm
staking, adding liquidity on uniswap pool,and also holding tokens for up to 10 days minimum and reselling it back to community P2P to take profit,and as a governance token trading pairs of YF-PEER to other Yield finance tokens would be available on exchange like Hotbit,Fatbtc,Probit, Uniswap before December 20Th.

Currently, this assets are YFI, YFII, UNI, and SUSHI. In the DeFi economy, these four are counted as ‘blue chip’ tokens.in future this also counted as’ blue chip’

YFPEER has chosen these four, for now, primarily keep their future growth potential in mind. Interest for the long term is also an indicator that YFFEER is insured against volatility and exit scams. Other than long-term growth potential, the business also considers its underlying assets’ yielding potential, liquidity, and the size of the community.

The Road Ahead
Many platforms are taking marketing action to show who’s dominant in the industry. Most are simply releasing a MVP and later disappearing. YFPEER is on its way to becoming a shape-shifting player in the world of decentralized finance. It would make yield farming more accessible, hassle-free, and fast.

With its focus on high growth-potential assets, the users will be in for long-term commitment. It will reduce volatility. With the right to govern, the investors will be in control of their tokens in their entirety. Altogether, YFPEER is a package that encourages people to reap the benefits of the DeFi economy without having to worry about how expensive it might become and whether their tokens would be invested in the right areas or not. The road ahead is free of bumps and smooth to ride.

